Sunday, August 22, 2010

St. Helena Bandshell

Few local amenities are so closely identified with small town ambience than a Band Shell. Locals gather here for community musical events on warm Summer evenings. Its also a good way to communicate important locals issues to the citizenry. The little sign posted on the tree is a public announcement that the tree is unhealthy and will have to be removed. That is so civilized.

St. Helena Post Office

Lewis Simon was the architect on this remarkably intact Post office building from 1940 in St. Helena. This charming town has managed to be respectful of most of its architecural heritage. Unlike many towns that have decimated their historic downtown area, like Palm Springs to name but one, St. Helena seems to be thriving. I can't help but wonder if there is a lesson to be learned here.....
I'll post more pix of the St. Helena trip soon...