My Realtor friend Keith introduced me to this 1957 (County Assessor's date) residence that appears to have been designed by Bill Cody. Maybe not instantly recognizable from the exterior, the interior reveals itself to be architect-designed with numerous Cody style details, including his signature Kitchen windows that rest upon the counter tops, sans the usual 4" splash. More exciting however are the numerous paneled walls that are an exercise in minimalism. Much of the paneling conceals cabinetry without any obvious hardware.
Some City Directory research indicates that the property / home (?)was owned by Alex C. Meyer as early as 1951. The Cal Poly Cody Box List has no mention of Meyer or this address. Will have to dig deeper...
The new owner seems appreciative of the extraordinary architectural character of the house and willing to go the extra mile to preserve the character-defining features. Long-overdue is the Cody Star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars, but that will change during Modernism Week this year; his star will be at the corner of Baristo and South Palm Canyon - just outside the new Edwards-Harris Museum of Architecture and Design....
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